Friday, June 24, 2011

Deadly Protests against Al-assad in Syria

Since in March 2011, the Syrian people have been protesting against their own government. Since then, more than 1,300 people have been killed and many thousands more contained. On every Friday, prayers go out and protest against Assad. In Damascus, protesters have been assualted by the security forces with tear gas and live ammunition. The protest all of Syria have at least some fatal result due to the firing of the sercurity guard. In the capital's Barzeh district, three people were shot by snipers and died. Syrian state TV said that some unknown men were the cause of some deaths with some security gaurds wounded as well. In Homs, two protesters were shot dead by sercurity force personnel. The Local Coordination Committees that watch the Syrian protest say there are military trucks blocking the roads in the center of Homs. On that day, there were thousands of protesters in Homs, Damascus, and other cities in the east. In the weeks before, activitist have joined Syrians to join their demonstrations on each Friday. For this week, their slogan on Facebook is "Bashar is no longer my president and his government has no longer represent me." What I think is funny about this is because its on Facebook, and Facebook has been a big part of protest in the Middle East and the Arab World. An example of Facebook involvement was in the protest in Egypt against the Egyptian government. I think the president of Syria, Assad, should oblidge to the people and do the correct function of the government. With all the firing on protesters, I am shocked by the government and the uprising it may cause.

Here are some links for more information on the Syrian protest:

These links alost have videos for you to watch as well.

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