Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm still a bit rusty...

For the debate, I felt the same as how I would whenever I'm about to debate. I was a bit nervous but because I knew most (and maybe disliked a couple) of the people the butterflies were very mild. I never quite fully understand the topics I usually debate on. If i did, you'd see me in full debate mode. But unfortunately, standardized testing was neutral to me. Therefore, I didn't really have any strong feelings for it... For the beginners in debate, I'll say this bluntly, you guys shouldn't be in advanced if you have no experience in debate whatsoever and, frankly, it bothers me. But during the debate the beginners did really well. There is always someone who can't speak or portray their ideas well and in the debate I found out who it was. But this guy did better than the people last year and the year before so I'm kind of proud. The points were really good but the strategies used by some debaters made me want to shrivel up and hide(I'm a very harsh critic, sorry). I really like this debate though and I was happy to see a couple of the older debaters there. They were really good as always and I'm glad their strategics and way of speaking didn't necessarily change but it did improve. I like to make my speeches funnier but it's really difficult to me especially because my speeches go right to my main point and I'm not good at elaborating off of that one point. So I hope the next debate will be much more funnier and better than our first one! :)


  1. Oohh... how harsh and cruel that was.. /: I do believe that you would like everyone in this class to become better than before, saying that you were proud, even from "..someone who can't speak or portray their ideas well.." In this learning enviorment, surely all positive motivation is better than slowing the momentum at all with disparaging comments. Thank you for your time and cooperation(:

  2. If i only gave positive comments then it would be difficult for one to improve. In this case, I encourage failure for I have made many and have improved in the end result

  3. harsh as that may have been, critique is always good for improvement! :D Of course it depends on how each individual takes it as well..

  4. Too bad in this sad state of 2011, everyone who fails usually quits. Children under the age of 21 also seem to be very negative toward peers as well, such as toward Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black, that one incident on cyber bullying on gays, and more. Also, if you were to encourage failure and critique for improved results, I don't see why you didn't post directly his or her name, or said it in his or her face.

  5. Well, Ezekiel, if she left us all in the dark as to who the person she spoke of was, we might all wonder if it were us. So, we'd all try to improve, whether or not we actually have problems speaking. Although, there are other ways to have everyone improve, this works too, I suppose.

  6. Haha you guys are really good. I think I bombed that time 'cause I was unsure of one of my points.
