Thursday, August 4, 2011


So well I think this is a great,interesting topic and pretty cool. Well, I think as if I have no privacy at all. For example, if I talk about something very general, my mom will butt in and go on and on. IF I say nevermind, i get nagged as if a tornado hit me ._.'.... >.< and what seems creepy that I don't want to share. It is normal, but my parents do it. They still check if I am sleeping for sure. I feel weird and say WTF are u doing here..... o.o? I dont say it outloud but in my head and go to sleep. Anyways, I think my parents should treat me fairly. I am a kid but not a little one that needs a story and a good night kiss. I dont need that nourishment.. Give me a bed, a pillow, blankets, and im fine. You dont have to check up anymore. PARENTS THESE DAYS GOTTA BUTT OFF AND FIND A LIVING BESIDES FROM STALKING US.... And for the goverment. They should give us privacy. I mean as in if we do not give access to anyone else besides from our friend list. Do not let them have access to our FACEBOOKS! My friend got in trouble from cussing too much on facebook and they had a lecture. SEE STALKING AND GIVING TEACHERS GOVERMENT ACCESS. They do this for jobs too. They will stalk you and have access on your wall. They WILL track every single thing you said to judge you and see if you will be accepted for the job. As for private companies, I have no idea what that is.

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