Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week 10: Finale

I thank this class and all of you for making me like debate. It has become something that I'm not being forced to do, something I am voluntarily choosing to work on. I'm still not incredibly good, worse than I wish I was, but I think it's a start, a practical yet invigorating start. Who knows? Maybe I'll take the chance and join a debate club in high school. Something tells me that it's this class that's so enjoyable though, from the current events to the humorous little chats that can't help but dart out of our mouths.. The way to make a class interesting is to include both fun and thoughts that have to be processed thoroughly in the mind. We've got that, in smidgens and heaps. It is a nice place to be.
I'm sort of happy about blogging too. This summer I've been meaning to restore my mind's dictionary because it's falling short of satisfactory. Blogging helps.. although sometimes I resort to a thesaurus in order to remind myself. That's cheating! I know it is, but I just cannot help it since my brain's lack of material always ends up infuriating me!

Debating has also sparked something else within me. Something like the concealed capricious figure that I always knew was somewhere in my Cancer self.. I just couldn't find it. What I mean by that is that my ability to retort and fire back at people has gotten better! I've never liked to argue and yell at others, but now I'm working on intellectually spitting back at people with dignity. A simple phrase or sentence that makes others double-take to really let it sink in. And then the burn moment. Haha.. still needs some practice though.
I've also found that being a little more open about myself isn't necessarily bad. It's rather beneficial when trying to meet others! I am trying to shed my straitlaced skin, just enough so that I have a good balance between seriousness and joke. I wish it was as easy as I'd like it to be. I find myself feeling uncomfortable when I need to take the spotlight. In that field, however, debate has done wonders. Attention isn't nearly as bad anymore.

I think you all understand already, but I'll say it once more. I've had a really good time in this class, and I look forward to coming back next year! :)

By the way, I wonder if anyone is bringing donuts tomorrow.. :) Maybe I'll buy some?
OR CREAMPUFFS. Ms. Krissy? Can you eat them? :O Or was it no sweets?


  1. Yeah! :D I'm having a hard time deciding on which. If I go for cream puffs, I hope the ACI fridge can fit them.
