Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Wikileaks isnt what people actually think about, its not about giving out our plans for the military or giving out top secret plans. Its about giving the people what they needed from the constitution. The constitution stated that we should know what our government was doing. Apparently they dnt let us in on their little secrets. They hide everything away from us. Wikileaks however gives us some information that the government has hid away from us. Wikileaks doesnt give away our plans on where we attack, it shows about what wrongs the U.S. commited, we should all be thankful for this because we know a little more about what goes on in the wars we fight. Julian Assage is the founder of this non-profit organization. He has been arrested in a British Prison. We need to let wikileaks be and help them, because they are believing in what our constitution states. WE NEED THE BLOODY TRANSPARENCY!

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