Friday, September 2, 2011


Hey everyone going to Vegas with my family. Best of all is that im with my bro and cuz and my aunt that is super nice. So fun! PEACE!

Friday, August 19, 2011



Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week 10! :,(

Sorry for my absence in debate last week. I had to go to Knotts Berry Farm for some fun time. And during the trip, I finally overcame my fear of rollercoasters! But I lost my glasses on the Silver Bullet... So the following Monday, after Knotts Berry Farm, my friends and I went to a camp. I didn't know it was a Christian camp until I looked it up right before going there. It was a four day three night camp and I came back on Thursday. We did rock climbing and once you get to the top, you can zip line back down. There was volleyball, water games, rock climbing, obstacle courses, swimming, and paintball guns. I didn't exactly enjoy playing paintball until the near end because I was hiding in the same place looking out for the other team. And right when I barely made it to the hiding area, me and my friend were already shot at. I barely dodged and was only grazed on the leg but my friend was shot on the head. However, the helmet helped take most of the blow and the paintball didn't break. Around in the middle, we were being attacked and we were somewhat surrounded. My friend shot down one person while I was trying to shoot, but my gun was locked and I missed my chance. Near the end, I finally got to shoot and I was what people would call "trigger happy". It was really fun using the gun. I wasn't injured throughout the game. But on the last day of camp, when everyone was giving hugs, I fell and hit the back of my head and my back on the corner of the bench. And that was just hugging my friends -___- Oddly, my head doesn't hurt but is bruised lightly. My back, however, has a large bruise that was hurting like crazy. Nevertheless, I had fun learning about God and Jesus and I didn't want to leave. By the way, I didn't turn Christian or anything. I'm still Atheist.

Ropes/Confidences Course

I didn't really learn too much in debate. It was like a rerun course, I already knew most of it. But my whip speeches are getting better. I think my critical listening has gotten better too. I'm going to miss this class a lot. There were less than three people I disliked in there and that's saying something! My previous class had at least four people I disliked. Listening to the styles and way of thinking from my classmates were fun because I can learn from them and find different ways to improve my skills in the process. I hope I get the same classmates and Ms. Krissy again. Thanks a lot :)

A toast to us!~

Week 10: Finale

I thank this class and all of you for making me like debate. It has become something that I'm not being forced to do, something I am voluntarily choosing to work on. I'm still not incredibly good, worse than I wish I was, but I think it's a start, a practical yet invigorating start. Who knows? Maybe I'll take the chance and join a debate club in high school. Something tells me that it's this class that's so enjoyable though, from the current events to the humorous little chats that can't help but dart out of our mouths.. The way to make a class interesting is to include both fun and thoughts that have to be processed thoroughly in the mind. We've got that, in smidgens and heaps. It is a nice place to be.
I'm sort of happy about blogging too. This summer I've been meaning to restore my mind's dictionary because it's falling short of satisfactory. Blogging helps.. although sometimes I resort to a thesaurus in order to remind myself. That's cheating! I know it is, but I just cannot help it since my brain's lack of material always ends up infuriating me!

Debating has also sparked something else within me. Something like the concealed capricious figure that I always knew was somewhere in my Cancer self.. I just couldn't find it. What I mean by that is that my ability to retort and fire back at people has gotten better! I've never liked to argue and yell at others, but now I'm working on intellectually spitting back at people with dignity. A simple phrase or sentence that makes others double-take to really let it sink in. And then the burn moment. Haha.. still needs some practice though.
I've also found that being a little more open about myself isn't necessarily bad. It's rather beneficial when trying to meet others! I am trying to shed my straitlaced skin, just enough so that I have a good balance between seriousness and joke. I wish it was as easy as I'd like it to be. I find myself feeling uncomfortable when I need to take the spotlight. In that field, however, debate has done wonders. Attention isn't nearly as bad anymore.

I think you all understand already, but I'll say it once more. I've had a really good time in this class, and I look forward to coming back next year! :)

By the way, I wonder if anyone is bringing donuts tomorrow.. :) Maybe I'll buy some?
OR CREAMPUFFS. Ms. Krissy? Can you eat them? :O Or was it no sweets?

oh, what i learned?

haha, i guess it has come to the zenith of our class. It was a great experience. even though i was week..but ANYWAYS! it's all good :D
well, i guess it's hard to blog about what i learned the most but here it goes!

It has come to my realization that i ACTUALLY do my homework in Taiwan. And in america, i just _ _ it. C:. i guess it's the 'American Laziness'. HAHA

K,Forreals now.
i learned a lot of stuff here. and i got more involved with news and current events (a tiny bit). I hate watching news. :). and i still do. but that doesn't matter. :]. because news will always be there to torture us. ANYWAYS...i learned about. ..uhh..well there's too many things to name. :].

yeah, well, i'll miss you all!! And...of course, i'll DEFINITELY be back next year..and during the school year..ALSO, the year after...and the year after that AND probably..a year after that? HAHA. J/k. but i'll be here every year..for the rest of my life. Just Saying.

;c i'll miss all of you guys..especially william and ms. krissy.
omg super uber especially ms. krissy! Ms. Krissy! PLEASE visit often! like...Uber often? please! i'm going to miss you so much!! :c good luck in the real world! and i can't wait for next summer! Also, i'll try to be more careful when taking tests so i won't blurt out the answers..:p....Thank you so much Ms. Krissy! I'll miss you LOTS. :[
and i'll all of you other peoples too! :D. <3
GOODLUUUUCK GUYS!! hope to see you all next year! :)

yay random pictures!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'll Miss You Guys

Aww Ms. Krissy!!! Aww everyone in the Debate class!

I missed you while I was at Yellowstone!!! I can't believe I missed the penultimate week of Debate! Imagine how much information you lose when you miss ONE week! :( Aww so this is gonna be the last week on... August 19th? Man... That's lame. Oh well have a good 3 days before I see ya again! BTW, I'm at Denver International Airport right now ;D

Hillary Clinton Quote 911!

I can't remember that Hillary Clinton quote to save my life! I know it starts with "c". About Syria. Does anyone remember? It was good too. I wanted to save it and use it another time. Something "condemnation"... Help?

Monday, August 15, 2011


i had alot of fun in this class... I'm gonna miss how ansel wuld rant of ms.krissie, how ezekial wuld keep singing random songs, and how ms.krissie wuld pick on perry. I've learned alot ever since i jioned debate. i learned to have a more liberal view, and expand my vast knowledge of awesomeness. i learned that the gas companies are total douches and only want money and dnt give a living crap about what happens when they die of air pollution or a gas related death. PEOPLE THESE DAYS SHOULD EXPOSE THE GAS HOLES AND GET WHAT EVERY ONE NEEDS. Waiting for superman told me that the u.s. needs more fundes and we need to be able to support every kid in the world. beccause THE UNITED STATES IS SUPPOSED TO ROLL LIKE A BOSS. Freakonomics taught me that alot of people should stop cheating on things and have more honor is what we do in our every day lives. freakonomics blow mah mind with a tangerine apple thingy :3 i just cant wait to see blawk hawk dwn this week. it shows what our awesome military does to protect our country. Then agian they do have collateral murder... AM SO SAD AMMA MISS JEW GUYS! OO YEA AMMA BE SO SADS T^T TURTLES :D amma try to bring something idk yet


WELL BYE EVERYONE!!!! SEE YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO COME FOR FALL! Ok so well i met a lot of friends and saw some old friends. Most of them are the people who come anually for the summer semester. So i learned a lot. I didn't know what stem cells were until we started talking about it. I learned everything else in my past years and summer debate classes. The positions and the POIs. I also learned from movies :P..... OK so then we watched waiting for superman which HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH SUPERMAN >:(! ok so then it was about how teachers and how they teach are good and bad. The good teachers would teachers 150% when the bad teachers would teacher 50%. In West Bank Story, that guys going to dominate Beverly Hills. There is also FREAKANOMICS!!!!PSHHHH MIND FREAK!! Anyways they show how there is real estate agents who try to rip you off on your houses. They try to convince you that a lower price is better. They say well you should take the deal. They want to convince you because he can not help another person until he helps you. Then it talks about names and how they may or may not effect you in the future. They can make fun of you and most of all. The parenting books and Mozart music is all fake. They dont help you. It is thought to though. And cheating and corruption in Sumo fighting is too. They let them win and the next time...Them will win... Kinda of complicated...

This is probably my worse blog.... kinda confused...

Final Blog!

The time has come...

This is your final blog. I want you to blog about what you have learned this semester. Simple. All of you have been very special to me and if any of you need anything, you all know how to contact me via email or facebook. Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer :)


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Republicans at Iowa Debate

Here we go again, guys! Republicans coming to bring Obama's administration down! So, eight Republican presidential candidates used a debate in Iowa to demonstrate their plans to fix the U.S. economy and to attack president Obama. In Iowa, the eight Republicans offered calls for lower taxes and repeal of "Obamacare". Many of the candidates are fighting for the presidential representative position against Mr. Romney, the frontrunner a.k.a the most likely to be the Republicans' choice. Alright, so these eight candidates clashed often with each other. Typical Republican bulls**t. The debates raged on as Mr. Pawlenty criticised Ms. Bachmann's lack of "substantive" success. Alright, so this is just typical American politics. If the Republicans win the 2012 presidential election, I'm moving to Sweden!
My opinion on this is that it's really interesting to see how the Republicans clash amongst themselves. Many candidates insulted each other and telling the public that what the other person said were false. So, Ms. Bachmann was seen as a favorite among the conservative voters. ALRIGHT!
I watched Passion of the Christ. Horrible. -.- Never wanna watch it again. Don't wanna talk about it, don't wanna remember what I saw. Just...horrible lol.
I also watched Zeigeist, very interesting stuff.



Wikileaks and Julian Assange

Ok well this might probably be the same as Garrick's a little. So this week i barely saw anyone do hw... o.o. OK so well what wikileaks are is a nonprofit organization. They technactly leak out information that is TOP SECRET! OOOO SPOOKY! Some of this information they leak are like how are battle tactics and what we did that was bad. Some examples are like how they open-fired in Iraq and killed people. They were sending their kids to tutoring. There was a mini-van when the driver was shot and when the kids got injuered. They had scars on their bellies. >.< sad. So then we go on to this topic with how Julian Assange relates to this topic. First, he started this group and went to jail for even doing these wikileaks. They also had about 100 people in this group and there might be more. NOt only from that, there also has been something interesting. I was going to ACI when i heard something on 97.1 Amp Radio. So they started talking about wikileaks. I turned up the volume. These people were hacking into credit cards and everything. Ok, that's usual. Then, they lead it onto how the Sony Playstation network broke down. Well that already happen. Then finally, the most interesting was that they threatened to close down facebook by November 5,2011. That caught my attention and i believed it because if they can hack into Sony then they might be able to get in too. Apparently it was a super deep vioce so ya.... Kinda made it weird but ok...


First of all, scratch what I said about not being here this Friday.. change of plans! I won't miss class this time.
I went to northern CA! Besides Fresno, it's much cooler there. Destinations: Sequoia National Park, Lake Tahoe, San Francisco, Stanford, Winchester Mystery House (although the last two could be counted with San Fran). To summarize my trip: lots of driving, tiring but fulfilling trudging, and plenty of interest for new places!

Now for the actual homework.. I know this is a little late to talk about, but I'd like to comment and discuss the debt ceiling, the crisis and the solution. Well, that is, if you can really call it a solution. I think we all know that political decisions will never be fullproof, always a loophole here and a flaw there. The debt ceiling's "solution" doesn't fall short of this.
With a $2.1 trillion increase, our debt ceiling has been raised from $14.3 trillion to $16.4, as expected
by most. Additionally, the government claims that it will cut the government budget deficit by $2.5 trillion over the next decade, with no raise in tax whatsoever.
It is a necessary action to raise the debt ceiling to avoid defaulting. However, obviously, we cannot continue to just raise it. We must cut government spending or find some way to pay off the debt. My question is whether or not we can do these things. What if another president waltzes in, one like Bush, one that starts another war and smashes the ceiling into pieces? What if, in the end, they choose to raise the taxes because they have to (something that will definitely receive some repercussions from the crowd of U.S. citizens)? The government says they will fix this, yet I doubt a simple decade will be able to put the States' downfall into an abrupt stop.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Wikileaks isnt what people actually think about, its not about giving out our plans for the military or giving out top secret plans. Its about giving the people what they needed from the constitution. The constitution stated that we should know what our government was doing. Apparently they dnt let us in on their little secrets. They hide everything away from us. Wikileaks however gives us some information that the government has hid away from us. Wikileaks doesnt give away our plans on where we attack, it shows about what wrongs the U.S. commited, we should all be thankful for this because we know a little more about what goes on in the wars we fight. Julian Assage is the founder of this non-profit organization. He has been arrested in a British Prison. We need to let wikileaks be and help them, because they are believing in what our constitution states. WE NEED THE BLOODY TRANSPARENCY!

Monday, August 8, 2011

*Week 9 Topics & Prompt*

Hi guys,

This week I'd like you each to find an American news story and write about it. I'm NOT talking about a trivial "oh this is funny or odd or interesting" story, but a story that actually matters and is about US politics. This Ameri-centric week calls for American topics, and they are:

THW abolish the death penalty.
THW not place restrictions on a woman's right to choose.
THW allow all stem cell research, including but not limited to the harvesting of stem cells.

Good luck!
Ms. Krissy

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011



I am reminded every Friday how awesome all of you are! I am always so impressed with what you are capable of. With your level of maturity, yet comfortable playfulness and as always appreciate each of your personalities and unique capabilities. It has been an amazing semester, and as some of you are leaving I am sad. You all have made my summer very special and I feel very proud to have helped each of you. As always, you all may contact me whenever you need things. Even if I am not around next semester, you all may find me via email or facebook. I hope that each of you continue to grow and I know you will all make everyone proud.
Sorry to get all sentimental. You are all just so special.
Ms. Krissy :)

Week 8 - Bye guys :D

So this is my last week at ACI for the summer, it's been great knowing all of you! I hope whatever you guys plan on doing in your lives, you'l achieve what you have in mind.

I think the government relating to our privacy is very important. The only thing I can think of right now is FBI agents breaking into your house without notice. I guess you should be mad because you have nothing to hide, but if you did there's an obvious reason why they're there. If the government is wrong, however, they're just trying to do their job of protecting you. They still need to be able to do this so they CAN find the criminals in this country.

Parents are the issue that bother me the most. Throughout my life, I loved my parents a lot. Usually one over the other, when I was little. I guess when I was little I didn't know how to interpret things for myself, I like having people explain everything to me, being able to learn. For some reason now I just don't feel like I need to know anything else, I can manage what I do on a daily basis. I don't need my parents telling me when to eat when they only make 1 meal a day and I go out to buy my own food most of the time. I really hate arguing about this topic because there's so many people like me out there today that get so irritated about their parents. I know so much, which is a shame because I know everything everyone doesn't know, and I know nothing about what everyone else knows. I just don't feel like my parents can teach me anything anymore, and they still try to get into every aspect of my life.

I have no idea about what company privacy means, and I can't seem to find it.

Chillin' Wit Mah Homies.

Hey Ms. Krissy! I'm just giving a heads-up, I might go late or not go if I'm too late today... Because me and my other 15 homies are going to the mall and stuff from 10 - iono, to watch some movies (friends with benefits) soooooooooo I don't know if I can make it in time. Well, alrighty everyone. If I'll be there, see you there! If I can't, good luck on your Debate! (: -Denggsterr.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Week 8: All About Privacy

Oh my gosh. Really. My blog was perfect. Perfect, I tell you!

#&)*^(>:@#%!=: !!!!!!!
Whatever. Don't blame me if this is crappy as hell.

Oh my gosh. What I feel about privacy. AGAIN.

Privacy. Whatever. It's like. How much space someone gives you. How much pressure someone applies to you. Ugh whatever.

I feel like my parents don't give me HELL of any privacy. They're so Asian. Just like this crappy laptop that just erased my masterpiece. Whatever. My parents are so Asian, they're eyes are slits. Every time I go out with my friends, my mom asks who my friends are, what I'm going to the mall for, what I'm watching at AMC, and who my friends are. Jeez.  Crappy computer. F it. Whatever. So, my parents are very Asian. That's all I'm saying. I think I deserve more privacy. A LOT MORE. AND A LOT MORE OF A GOOD LAPTOP.
I think the Democratic government treats everyone's privacy with respect. The most government looks into your privacy is when the Census comes around every 10 years. The government doesn't invade our privacy like Facebook, where it asks every detail about you. That's why stalkers roam Facebook.
Private companies shouldn't invade other people's privacy either. I think private companies will take more notice of their actions in the future. Why? News of the World already set an example to the private companies that hack or invade people's privacy. That's why I think that companies should give privacy to their customers too. I mean, customers only buy right? Then why should they have to disclose their identities? Oh well. I guess this is a LOT crappier than my last one...

BYE. hope i see you tomorrow. -Denggsterr. OH MY GOSH I'M FINALLY DONE. CRAPPY LAPTOP.


So well I think this is a great,interesting topic and pretty cool. Well, I think as if I have no privacy at all. For example, if I talk about something very general, my mom will butt in and go on and on. IF I say nevermind, i get nagged as if a tornado hit me ._.'.... >.< and what seems creepy that I don't want to share. It is normal, but my parents do it. They still check if I am sleeping for sure. I feel weird and say WTF are u doing here..... o.o? I dont say it outloud but in my head and go to sleep. Anyways, I think my parents should treat me fairly. I am a kid but not a little one that needs a story and a good night kiss. I dont need that nourishment.. Give me a bed, a pillow, blankets, and im fine. You dont have to check up anymore. PARENTS THESE DAYS GOTTA BUTT OFF AND FIND A LIVING BESIDES FROM STALKING US.... And for the goverment. They should give us privacy. I mean as in if we do not give access to anyone else besides from our friend list. Do not let them have access to our FACEBOOKS! My friend got in trouble from cussing too much on facebook and they had a lecture. SEE STALKING AND GIVING TEACHERS GOVERMENT ACCESS. They do this for jobs too. They will stalk you and have access on your wall. They WILL track every single thing you said to judge you and see if you will be accepted for the job. As for private companies, I have no idea what that is.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


personally, i think that privacy is very important. for instance, if you are going to eat breakfast in peace at a hotel, you wuld want privacy. So you put up a sign. But apparently, parenting goes onto a new level. If your child is having nightmares and is screaming, they would barge into your room, fulling loaded with explosives. And before even asking, chuck grenades out the window. Say you are going to purberty. You notice changes, the first your dad will ask you is HOW IS IT GOING DOWN THERE?! it doesnt get more awkward than that. So parents really should not be snooping around their kids business, or they can do it without their kids knowing then i guess it's fine.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Week 8

I think privacy is a way to blow off steam. If someone doesn't have privacy for even a little bit, they'd explode under the pressure or because of the lack of privacy. I think my parents should give me privacy at the right time. Granted, they wouldn't actually know when I actually need privacy but sometimes I think it's obvious. When I blow a fuse at my mom, she immediately demands that I apologize. I didn't mean to be so irritable, but with the constant knocking at my door, one after another, I couldn't have some quiet with myself and finish what I was doing sooner. And there were times when somethings going on with me that she knows of, she continuously goes to me and ask me questions with follow up questions of "why?". In those times, I really think parents should wait until their kids actually go to them instead of the parents going to their child every waking hour. The government should give people privacy. Well, more privacy than now. I'm vague on the privacy the government gives but I'm sure they should give more.

Week 8 Topics and Prompt

Hi guys!

I have been thinking a lot about you guys growing up. The changes, the responsibilities, the privacy. Those boundaries become important for the rest of your life. We all have reasonable expectation of privacy and its been making the news a lot lately. I want you guys to blog about how you feel about privacy, what do you expect, how do you think your parents should treat you, what kind of privacy should the government give you, what about private companies? The motion for this weeks debate is : THW ban the collection and sale of location and usage information by smartphone companies.
Good Luck!
Ms. Krissy

Monday, August 1, 2011


...Yeah hi LOL. Soz I missed last weak I was at camp in Fiesta Island (down in San Diego). Anyways, I notice not many people type leet (1337) now. If you dunno what that is, it's where you go s0 1337 c0z i r0x ur b0x3rs @ d!s g4m3! (I'm so leet because I rocks your boxers at this game)

Glad 1337 talking is out of the way. =D


I was flipping through the channels and landed on a scene in Spongebob Squarepants where Spongebob thinks he's ugly. Everyone has been running away from him. But really, it's just that his breath stinks... So Patrick tells Spongebob to do one thing. SCREAM! On the rooftop of the pineapple, Patrick has Spongebob shout, "I'M UGLY AND I'M PROUD! I'M UGLY AND I'M PROUD!" I couldn't help but imagine him shouting: I'm gay and I'm proud! I'm gay and I'm proud! What made me imagine this even more was when Squidward, who was lounging on his roof just as Spongebob was shouting, said, "Is that what he calls it?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Week 7

I'd like to start off by mentioning that I'm not doing too good overall in various parts of my life. I'll get to how this relates to anything at all in a moment. So for about three years now after I've moved from my home town to Rowland Heights, everything has changed for me. It wasn't the people, the places, the scenes, or anything like that. I lived in the city before, and this "piece of land" is just the same as any city that I've visited. The people: inconsiderate, heartless, gossiping machines were all the same from before. The only thing I realized different was that before at my old school(s) was that they were my friends - I was not involved in any criticizing - and it never occurred to me what words can mean to people and how they could hurt. My first year at Alvarado (7th) was absolutely my worst. Everything I did was either bad, or terribly known for. The following 8th grade year wasn't as bad. I actually had people that DIDN'T hate me. I never knew why it even started in the first place. The ONLY, and ONLY reason why I moved from my old school was because there was a few people at my old school like my current one, which got me upset because from just a minor group of people turned miraculously into the whole school. Right now in the summer, I feel even worse than before all of that. I actually want people talking sh*t about me now, because only then someone mentions my name. Not one person talks to me over the course of anything at all really. For all of this loneliness, I have uncontrolled feelings and actions over everything I do. I don't care about anything in this world anymore. Everything is just a waste of itself. To sum up all of these feelings and reasons, is why I am so serious all the time, without emotion on my face. For all of this is why I (can't find the right word) care for absolutely everyone and encourage them to live on, because I feel them without knowing a single thing about them. It also affects my liking of music, like Born This Way, because I really do hope everyone will love them for who they are, something that I can't do anymore. I've lost all feeling, and now all I have left is something indescribable. That's why I use songs to help me in every aspect of life:

So. Anyways, my emotional problems have deceived me and I rarely do something when it's suppose to be done.

I don't suppose companies' directors are liable for something happening to their company under (a) workers'/worker's fault. I mean, if you want to go ahead and blame the director for believing, trusting, and having faith in someone, to give them a chance in life so that they can make money and raise their family, go ahead and blame them just for that.

Only thing that I've read in the aol news that was interesting to me was Amy Winehouse's death. I didn't care enough to read what it was about because I don't know who she is.

Almost forgot. My progress. I guess last week's debate was a sort of big jump for me, I'm not sure. Only difference from any other debate was that time I had confidence.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week 7: Progress, Any News Story

Whassup yo! Hi Ms. Krissy! Again, I'm procrastinating. Oh well. Time to get down to business.

Uhm, so anyways, I feel like this class has, again, taught me a lot. Especially when this Debate class is Advanced. The one at Hacienda was really shallow and didn't teach me much. That class was full of hatred and mishaps and immaturity, when we disagreed and argued with each other. Most of us didn't do our homework and had really bad debates, because we didn't have motivation. Also, we had immature kids that were younger than me, so I'm glad this class is better. A LOT. I feel like this class is full of motivated, active learners who try to strive and have the best possiblilities for everyone. Ms. Krissy somehow taught this class to be more enthusiastic and avid students, so I enjoy this class. The debates are awesome, the movies we watch are sophisticated, and everyone is concentrated.
Hooray for this class! ;D

Ohkay, so the second part of this Prompt. To find any news story. The most INTERESTING one I found on was this article about a pregnant man. I mean, the only two ways he/she can be pregnant is either if he/she is a hermaphrodite and gay, or that he/she had a sex change and became a female. As I read on, I found out that he/she was the "second" kind, but what disgusts me even more is that this isn't his/her first baby. His/her first baby, I found out on a Ripley's Believe It or Not book, but he/she had ANOTHER baby, making this most recent one his/she third. Jeez. Eww, huh?

Well, this guy/girl's name is Thomas Beatie, and the article is right here, if you guys aren't digusted right now. I am freaked out right now of this freak. Here:|aim|dl7|sec1_lnk1|81826 ...

It turns out that he/she was born a woman, but had 10 years having sexual reassignment therapy... Why can't he/she be happy about having a penis? :/ Oh well, and here's the second part of the news story.

After he/she had his/her third child, he/she started working out, achieving some sexy abdominals (like me). Here's a video, knock yourselves out. . Also, he's/she's been working out and also getting some biceps (like me). How did he get them? "E! reports it was done through a combination of diet, exercise and testosterone doses." -Yahoo News.
Way to go, man!
3 babies?! Seriously?!

So anyways, there you have it! Hope to see you tomorrow! (; -Dengster.