Friday, July 29, 2011

Week 7

I'd like to start off by mentioning that I'm not doing too good overall in various parts of my life. I'll get to how this relates to anything at all in a moment. So for about three years now after I've moved from my home town to Rowland Heights, everything has changed for me. It wasn't the people, the places, the scenes, or anything like that. I lived in the city before, and this "piece of land" is just the same as any city that I've visited. The people: inconsiderate, heartless, gossiping machines were all the same from before. The only thing I realized different was that before at my old school(s) was that they were my friends - I was not involved in any criticizing - and it never occurred to me what words can mean to people and how they could hurt. My first year at Alvarado (7th) was absolutely my worst. Everything I did was either bad, or terribly known for. The following 8th grade year wasn't as bad. I actually had people that DIDN'T hate me. I never knew why it even started in the first place. The ONLY, and ONLY reason why I moved from my old school was because there was a few people at my old school like my current one, which got me upset because from just a minor group of people turned miraculously into the whole school. Right now in the summer, I feel even worse than before all of that. I actually want people talking sh*t about me now, because only then someone mentions my name. Not one person talks to me over the course of anything at all really. For all of this loneliness, I have uncontrolled feelings and actions over everything I do. I don't care about anything in this world anymore. Everything is just a waste of itself. To sum up all of these feelings and reasons, is why I am so serious all the time, without emotion on my face. For all of this is why I (can't find the right word) care for absolutely everyone and encourage them to live on, because I feel them without knowing a single thing about them. It also affects my liking of music, like Born This Way, because I really do hope everyone will love them for who they are, something that I can't do anymore. I've lost all feeling, and now all I have left is something indescribable. That's why I use songs to help me in every aspect of life:

So. Anyways, my emotional problems have deceived me and I rarely do something when it's suppose to be done.

I don't suppose companies' directors are liable for something happening to their company under (a) workers'/worker's fault. I mean, if you want to go ahead and blame the director for believing, trusting, and having faith in someone, to give them a chance in life so that they can make money and raise their family, go ahead and blame them just for that.

Only thing that I've read in the aol news that was interesting to me was Amy Winehouse's death. I didn't care enough to read what it was about because I don't know who she is.

Almost forgot. My progress. I guess last week's debate was a sort of big jump for me, I'm not sure. Only difference from any other debate was that time I had confidence.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week 7: Progress, Any News Story

Whassup yo! Hi Ms. Krissy! Again, I'm procrastinating. Oh well. Time to get down to business.

Uhm, so anyways, I feel like this class has, again, taught me a lot. Especially when this Debate class is Advanced. The one at Hacienda was really shallow and didn't teach me much. That class was full of hatred and mishaps and immaturity, when we disagreed and argued with each other. Most of us didn't do our homework and had really bad debates, because we didn't have motivation. Also, we had immature kids that were younger than me, so I'm glad this class is better. A LOT. I feel like this class is full of motivated, active learners who try to strive and have the best possiblilities for everyone. Ms. Krissy somehow taught this class to be more enthusiastic and avid students, so I enjoy this class. The debates are awesome, the movies we watch are sophisticated, and everyone is concentrated.
Hooray for this class! ;D

Ohkay, so the second part of this Prompt. To find any news story. The most INTERESTING one I found on was this article about a pregnant man. I mean, the only two ways he/she can be pregnant is either if he/she is a hermaphrodite and gay, or that he/she had a sex change and became a female. As I read on, I found out that he/she was the "second" kind, but what disgusts me even more is that this isn't his/her first baby. His/her first baby, I found out on a Ripley's Believe It or Not book, but he/she had ANOTHER baby, making this most recent one his/she third. Jeez. Eww, huh?

Well, this guy/girl's name is Thomas Beatie, and the article is right here, if you guys aren't digusted right now. I am freaked out right now of this freak. Here:|aim|dl7|sec1_lnk1|81826 ...

It turns out that he/she was born a woman, but had 10 years having sexual reassignment therapy... Why can't he/she be happy about having a penis? :/ Oh well, and here's the second part of the news story.

After he/she had his/her third child, he/she started working out, achieving some sexy abdominals (like me). Here's a video, knock yourselves out. . Also, he's/she's been working out and also getting some biceps (like me). How did he get them? "E! reports it was done through a combination of diet, exercise and testosterone doses." -Yahoo News.
Way to go, man!
3 babies?! Seriously?!

So anyways, there you have it! Hope to see you tomorrow! (; -Dengster.

Technology is the basis for modern world survival. Without technology, our lives would be much more difficult to survive. Technology intrigues me because it is a daily factor of human lives. There is a lot of things you can do with technology. It provides many benefits for human life. It can entertain people or speed worktime up.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 7: Progess Report!

Oh dear, it's time for comments and critiques from me for me. Well, I guess it's about time. The Advanced class has debated three times so far, the motions and positions being:
  • THW eliminate standardized testing (as Member of the Government)
  • THBT the U.S. should not pull out troops from Afghanistan (as Member of the Opposition)
  • THW give all couples the right to marry (as Deputy Prime Minister)
I have to admit this class was much more interesting and enjoying that I expected. I love learning about world events and theories and discussing topics that relate to philosophy, GLBT, mysterious crimes, controversial subjects, etc. Actually, I look forward to our discussions more than the debates... saves me from the nerves and also exercises my brain! However, I noticed my butterflies are starting to die down! That's always a good sign. Let's see how they are once the school presentations decide to show up.
I still have trouble filling the debating time up, which means I really need to step it up a notch with my POIs. More intelligent literacy is required from me from my standards, which means I have to incorporate more vocabulary, more transitions, more styles of speaking. I haven't worked much on the strategies yet since I feel I must have the basics somewhat mastered and my mind coordinated before I work on those. Scratch that. Maybe I should
be working on more than one problem, huh?
Ms. Krissy says our debate was pretty good, but I have to argue about that when it comes to my part. Goodness, I don't think there could have been a longer pause. I just zoned out a little and there went all those ideas. Blank. Really unprofessional. It haunted me for the night. By the way, Alan, you took the words right out of my mouth. Although I am a little indignant, I have to thank you for adding those ideas into the debate. Plus, I only have myself to blame here.

Now then, I'm sure some of you know about Amy Winehouse's death? Famous for belting out those zesty notes with her contralto, Winehouse was found dead on July 23. If you know anything about Winehouse, you probably know that she was on drugs and was an alcoholic. Apparently, Winehouse had had an appointment with her doctor and had returned home, a soloist singing with Death at her door. She retired to her bed early in the morning, and, when her bouncer
went to check up on her, further scrutiny proved her dead. Winehouse's funeral was hosted on the 26th of July at Edgwarebury Lane Cemetery in north London.
The cause of death is still unknown. It is widely believed to be the alcohol's and drugs' toll on her body. However, toxicology test results will not be available until further notice in around three weeks time. It was observed that she looked much healthier at a concert few days before her death...
The picture to the right truly makes me sympathetic, even if she may not deserve it. It is horrible what the drugs have done to her originally rejuvenated and fresh being. The Winehouse on the left looks almost barbaric, in a sense. Rather, her stance and the hue of her skin makes her look like a ghastly shadow of someone she once was. R.I.P.

Well i missed the first 3 weeks in debate adv. In intermediate, i had i really high doubt i was going to do bad because everyone seemed that they were new. I loved being in intermediate becasue i see mah friends like orlando and austin. Everyone else was like weird. Besides from Garrick obviously. So then i moved to advanced and i screw up my first class by talking too much and saying too much random stuff. I felt weird and i think when i debate, i usually get a bad feeling. Then the week after that we watched 2 movies. First was waiting for superman which totally disappointed me and THERE WASNT ANY SUPERMAN! DONT YOU GUYS EVER HATE IT WHEN THE MOVIE TALKS ABOUT STUFF NOT RELATED TO THE TITLE!? ITS LIKE HARRY POTTER THE DEATHLY HALLOWS! FLUFFY RAINBOW HIPPIE HARRY POTTER GOES TO RAINBOW LAND.... NOthing to do with it. And in West Bank Story is ok. 5 musicals? are you serious! Thats crazy but i like the end when it says I will rule Berverly Hills. Anyways i went on and thats mainly it. We still have Alan, Michelle, and Garrick and I :P anyways theres nothing else but the intruiging story. BTW I HATE THE TOPIC! ITS WEIRD AND I DUN REALLY GET IT! ANYWAYS umm i found a thing called a shadow director and can you explain it to me Ms. Krissy? So then what really is scaring me is the debt ceiling. Looking at all the stocks go down is affecting me and kinda makes me worry more about the economy. Yay McDonald's is now i think on the top 11 food chain i believe if i read and understood it correctly. This is better. Well a mountain lion they say from Black Hills of South Dakota traveled to about 1800 miles and that is probably a mammel has traveled.

San Fransisco... :)

Ok for some of you guys know that I went to San Fransisco. I went to many places including the Golden Orange Gate Bridge, going around Alcatraz(The spaces were full. I had to book a month early... I doesn'ted know.) , Gihradelli Square, Ripley's Believe it or not, Lombard Street, Kio Palace, Ciot Tower, Zen Penisula, Kid's Garage, and Fisherman's Wharf.( By the way, everything i listed is not in chronalogical order so assume it was) Well I went to Pier 39 for fun and everything. So Ms. Krissy don't blame me if this blog is too long. So imma start in the order I listed the stuff. I went to the Golden Gate bridge is obviously the origional name. It doesn't look golden because the color of it was hard to get. IF THATS NOT TRUE THEN TOO BAD BECAUSE THATS WHAT MY AUNT TOLD ME!! Anyways we drove on it and ended on a parking place and took pictures. My sister was sleep and then when we were about to leave, she woke up and we went back to go take more pictures. We didnt get a really good picture because it was foggy and cold. Then we went to Pier 39 to go on a boat and went under the Golden Gate and ONLY on one side of Alcatraz. They said around my butt that was fake! Don't go on ESAPE TO THE ROCK... Something like that because as I said earlier. It only goes on one side. Then Gihradelli Square was fun. We went with our aunt and ate some good ice cream. With people everywhere. As I waited for my ice cream, I went to go look at how they made the chocolate. They kept mixing though o.o. Then i ate ice cream and wasted hot chocolate>.<...... Such a waste a big good cup. So since my sister would have liked it, she didn't come and I took a teddy bear for her with 6 chocolates. Then, I went to Ripleys Believe it or Not. I learned really cool things and some weird stuff. Kahandra i think is the smallest little boy in the world. About 2 feet, hes 22 and is like about 30 pounds... And i went into this room i think was the colidiscope room and i loved it. My brother refered it to the TRIPPIN SPHERES(sorry cant say the ba double L word) room. Then i saw a wolf girl and a blue face Chinese guy. Dont forget the guy who guided people in the war with a candle in his head. Anyways the best was buying stuff and the mirror maze. Garrick crashed into a mirror 3 times and i crashed in a mirror 1 time towards the end. BUT IT WAS A FACEPLANT >.<... Then i bought spy glasses that viewed behind you and in front of you. A 5 minute oozo timer and this popping thing. Lombard was kinda annoying. It took me like 15 minutes to go down it. Lombard Street is like a really curvy street everyone wants to go on. Apparently, people live there and i feel sad for them. Kio Palace and Zen Penisula is more like a Chinese Restaurant for Dim Sum but i went to Zen Penisula for a party. Then i went to Ciot Tower for fun. You get a pretty good view of everyplace. Its money earning for me, garrick, my lil sis, my aunt, and uncle it was $26. Then we leave in twently minutes. Then, Kid's Garage was fun. I played with Ice-Punch and if you click the button, the ice cream shoots. Garrick bought an Alcatraz shirt and mah sis bought a Barbie Kite that we flew together. It takes 4-5 to fly one kite. It was a great time on the Marina Park because the winds were pretty good. Lastly, we go to fisherman's wharf. With a great place we meet Ms. Krissy's favorite person. LE BOOSH MAN! JK ITS THE BUSH MAN! He is a guy who holds two branches and moves the branches to scare people.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Golden Gate Bridge

I was about to talk about sperm whales, but i decided that it was "too inappropiate" so i'm just going to talk about what San Francisco is known for. The might orange bridge. The bridge was originally called 'Chrysopylao' by some dude named Captian John C. Fremount in 1846. The bridge is almost 2 miles long. When the bridge was built, it was about 894,500 tons, but now its only 887,000 tons because it was needed for decking material. While making this bridge, 35 were predicted to die, but only 11 people died, while 19 of them were saved from a net. Those who were saved by the net were invited to a club called 'Half Way To Hell.' Each tower weighs about 44,000 tons. I still don't get how they had the towers hover over the water though. There are only like 128 lamps, quite a few for such a huge tower... The orginal paint was removed because of corrosion. So they added new paint, orange vermillion/international orange. Any who, the golden gate bridge is an awesome historic landmark, and wow i sound boring o.o OH! and Lombard Street is awesome :DDD you guys should go onto it if you get bored in San Francisco. Ghiradelli Square is more awesome! The sundaes there are amazing :D it melts in your mouth! Watch out for the Bush Man if you go to Fisherman's Warf

first half of the semester

i don't really feel that i changed, but i think i'm still a bit rusty...i dnt exactly like having all these topics, i just wish there were less... and when do we have new packets, because im running out of space. I might want to work on all positions because im not well-rounded... San Francisco is cold...

a topic that intrigues your interests, ey?


so, i read an article that talks about the blainville's beaked whales. these whales are rarely seen because these whales don't like to be on the surface of the oceaan. beaked whales are found in the uberly deep depths(:D) of the ocean. once these whales get deep enough into the ocean, they become quiet and don't talk/communicate. well. they barely talk and communicate at all. well...that's what marine biologists say..but it's pretty hard to say because these whales are hard to stalk and stuffs. that's why it's a mysteryyyyy. oh yeah, these whales have teeth. ok, now that was like 5 minutes worth of skimming through that article and writing this. :D now, i gotta go out with my aunt, bye!! havefun [=.


Monday, July 25, 2011

20 Habits That Make You Fat

There wasn't really much progress for me. I was certainly not as nervous as I had been before. But my POI's and refutation remained the same. However, thanks to being put in the bottom half a couple of times, I got to practice being the whip. Being whip is not as difficult as it was for me before the summer.

Well I don't know whether or not this is counts as a news story...but I found this on yahoo. 20 habits that make you fat. People think eating fat would make you fat. So when they eat low-fat foods, sometimes they gain more weight. The calories in low-fat foods are sometimes the same as regular foods so it doesn't really make a difference. Thirty years ago, people tried to cut down on food to lose weight of not gain any fat. Now, obesity has doubled among adults and tripled among children.

Fat Habits:
#1: Eating "low-fat"
#2: Not seeking nutrition advice
#3: Sleeping too little or too much
#4: Eating free restaurant foods
#5: Drinking soda—even diet!
#6: Skipping meals
#7: Eating too quickly
#8: Watching too much TV
#9: Ordering the combo meal
#10: Facing the buffet
#11: Eating off larger plates
#12: Putting serving dishes on the table
#13: Choosing white bread
#14: Taking big bites
#15: Not drinking enough water
#16: Having overweight friends
#17: Eating too late
#18: Not using a scale
#19: Drinking fruity beverages
#20: Eating when emotional

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Week 7 Prompt and Motion

Hey guys!
I was so impressed with you all yesterday. We had a great debate and you all are speaking so very well. I want you each to blog about your progress through this first half of the semester and find a news story (any) that intrigues your interest. For this weeks debate, in light of the recent and ongoing News of the World scandal, the motion is: THW hold company directors liable for the wrongs of their company. I expect high quality stuff! Have a great week guys!

Ms. Krissy

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Week 6: GLBT, Waiting for Superman, West Bank Story.

Thanks Ms. Krissy for fixing my blog account. I appreciate it ;D

Ohkay, so GLBT is a big issue because it is very controversial. I mean, you can't get HIV from it, unless you get blood, vaginal fluid, breast milk, or semen on you. But, people are treated differently if they state that they are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender. Well, I couldn't really find a "new story" about GLBT, but I can tell you about the GLBT legislation in California.

"Our ambitious 2011 bills will advance LGBT rights in these critical areas:
I don't really want to, like, read all the boring stuff about Transgender Rights or Same-Sex Couples, but I think that this issue is very important to everyone, because a Yahoo survey found 7.1% of 18+ people GLBT. Gee, that's almost up to the Unemployment Rate, huh... Also, 4-10% of America is homosexual, about 12-30 people GLBT. As you can see, this is a big issue, and that's why California doesn't want any more shootings of Elementary kids, just because they're gay.

The two movies we watched on Friday were very extreme. One was extremely boring, but extremely informative. The other, however, was extremely hilarious, but extremely musical-ish. LOL.

The first (boring) movie we saw was Waiting For Superman. It was about US's public education system, which, obviously, sucks crap. I mean, seriously. HOW IN THE WORLD CAN OUR NATION'S CAPITAL'S EDUCATION SUCK MORE THAN CALIFORNIA, WHERE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE PRACTICALLY WANDERING AROUND CALI? It doesn't make sense. Maybe their survey is WRONG. All messed up. After I watched that movie, I was beginning to question why I was in a public school instead of a private one. This movie, I think, is not pragmatic for a Debate class. Maybe for teachers, but not for kids.

This guy is cool. ;D Really.

"The fate of our country won't be decided on a battlefield, it will be determined in a classroom."

The second movie, or a musical parody of The West Side Story, is called The West Bank Story. This musical was about two fast food restaurants: Hummus Hut, and Kosher King. Basically, it is the Palestinians against the Israelites, except they are represented by restaurants. Basically, they are competing against each other, but a Jewish soldier falls in love with a Palestinian girl. Together, they end the conflict between these two restaurants after both of their buildings burn down in a funny scene. I think this movie will make me laugh as many times as I see it, like Ms. Krissy.
In The West Bank Story, the conflict is between two restaurants, the Kosher King, and the Hummus Hut.

Okay everyone, bye! ")

Week 6 - GLBT

Hey guys, Ezekiel here. Finally re-posting on Blogger after such a long time. -insert sad face-. I've been really busy for the past couple of weeks with six different classes seven days a week, each being at least four hours, sometimes overlapping for a total of 9 hours of learning. Not complaining, since I don't know what actual works feels like and I don't feel that would be fair to teachers who spend even more time. Thank you teachers out there :D .Going straight into GLBT classes, I would have to say that I don't understand yet the purpose of the classes. Would they teach you how to be gay, lesbian, etc.? Or are they going to teach who they are? It doesn't seem very exciting to me, since everyone of those people are human, and just the type of people they like. I don't see how they're going to teach, " This following person is gay/lesbian and likes these kind of people. There are different from us such as reasons of ...." NO. I DON'T SEE HOW THAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. Everyone likes different kinds of people for different reasons. You might prefer a more beautiful/handsome but not as intelligent person in mind, rather than a more intelligent but not as beautiful/handsome person. Many people go one way or the other. These classes don't make actual sense to met yet, but students in school need to realize the other individuals' unique, instead of making of them all the time, or treating them differently. There has been many incidents where I think in the past year or two where teenagers, TEENAGERS, have SUICIDED. These cases are very serious, but if you don't see how scary this is, imagine you calling a person a name, and then they go freaking kill themselves because you hurt them so much. People like this NEED to know what they're doing and how wrong they are, but I don't think giving public classes out to everyone in school is the best idea. There are people, far more older and matured than teenagers, and still do terrible things like this. Why? I have no clue. People these days are just heartless and don't know s*** what they do. People who blabber about what they want just don't care and I don't see how they wouldn't. The common people call this a "justice," where they can go around DOING ANYTHING THEY POSSIBLE CAN AND WANT BECAUSE THEY WANT TO. I'm getting distracted from the glare of the computer.. and I'm forgetting what I've mentioned and what I'm repeating, so I'll stop there.

I'm not sure what activism was, but I read in other posts something about Lady Gaga, so I guess it means a supporter of GLBT cases. Here's her offical music video on this: and if it is too disgusting at some parts, BECAUSE (WARNING,) VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED, AND THIS WAS NASTY ENOUGH TO MAKE ME SICK. So care(: Here is just the lyrics without any gory part to is:

Our first film we watched in class, was Waiting For Superman. I'm not sure if I was suppose to put that in quotes or underline it, so leave a comment down below to help me out(: I already knew from the start it wasn't going to be some cartoon, drama, or anything related to that that wasn't going to help us understand very important facts and daily problems. I wish I had a more wider vocabulary span, so that I could use more "cool" words that make me "sound" intelligent" x___x . For the first half, I was very engaged by the differentiation in races, backgrounds, levels of knowledge, ages, and anything that was more general and wasn't focused down to one little area. As the narrator went more and more on into the point, I began to realize that the children who gave their everything, and who WOULD do anything for education, would be be at random chance given one last hope to succeed, be completely eliminated. A many of factors appear, and just to review them all if you guys have forgotten, the teacher with ten-year or whatever it is.. gave up their motivation for teaching and just did whatever the hell they wanted. Many examples even hinted by cartoons like The Simpsons, and I THINK I Love Lucy or something like that. Back to my point, after I had realized that these students, these poor, poor people, would not be given a fair chance at life, I began to see this as an injustice. I wanted to do something about this so bad, I don't know how I could begin. For ages, I have been dreaming about becoming the most rich person in the world and stopping all that is un-right, ending world hunger, and all these other miracle deeds. I just don't know where to start, how hard it is, or how I'm going to get there. BUT. I know, I'm going to be the one. I just have this statistical feeling jumping in my veins, zapping me once every now and then to keep me on track and remember my purpose. I want to do everything I can.. But I'm afraid of it not going to be good enough. I'm afraid of me not being able to live my own life, and for many more reasons, I'm afraid to do this. I can recognize my potential in almost anything, everything that I do, but I don't know how many numbers of different majors and how great I can be in them. This went on pretty long and I forgot my reason in this, but I hope it gave you my response to this stimulus and you understand my view point.

Week 6: West Bank Story, Waiting For Superman, and GLBT

Lady Gaga supports GLBT and is an activist. Before I get to GLBT, let's see these films:

West Bank Story is a parody of "Romeo and Juliet". It's a humorous short film. So, there are two different restaurants. One is Kosher King, owned by Israelis, and one is Hummus Hut, owned by Palestinians. Just like Romeo and Juliet, David and Fantima quickly fall in love. The story continues with Israelis and Palestinians fighting one another. David and Fantima tries to calm them down throughout the film. The Israelis tried to build a wall separating the restaurants, but then a fire started in Hummut Hut, and then it quickly spread to Kosher King, burning both restaurants to the ground. Towards the end of the film, the two sides come together to feed the people of both Palestine and Israel.

I felt this film was short and to the point. It's also hilarious. The fight between the two restaurants represent how Israelis and Palestinians fight each other almost everyday. I LOLed when the Israeli's restaurant caught on fire from Hummut Hut.

Waiting For Superman is a documentary about the American public school system. It's about how bad the public school system is in some areas. Like in Washington D.C., the nation's capitol, people have to enter their kids into "lotteries". If you don't get picked, you don't get enrolled in the somewhat decent school. You have to go to a crap school. Part of the problem is that there are a lot of bad teachers, and they can't get fired. The Teacher's Union contracts with the schools forbid the principals firing their teachers. Kids who grow up in bad neighborhoods where crimes are frequent usually don't do well in schools. Bad teachers, bad neighborhoods, and the Teacher's Union in general causes problems for the public school system.

I felt....not indifferent, but close to it. You might call it ignorance, but I simply feel neutral about this topic because it looks like things are going to stay the same way. Areas that have poor schools are going to stay that way, and areas that have good schools are also going to stay that way. There's nothing we can do about it. We know how to fix it, but will we ever take the initiative?

About GLBT, or LGBT. It stands for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transexual. So, there are GLBT groups that support the law that passed requiring schools to give lessons to their students on GLBT. There are numerous people who support this. Elton John, a famous singer, supports GLBT. Lady Gaga supports GLBT. I believe Born This Way and Alejandro (songs) are about her supporting GLBT. Here's two stories:

West Bank Story and Waiting for Superman

West bank story was a humorous clip. It was about two different restaurants called Kosher King(Israeli) and Hummus Hut(Palestine). West Bank story is an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. It shows how much love can affect the world. I really didn't get the main point of the story because it was kind of weird. There was a lot of singing and a lot of dancing. Waiting for Superman showed how valuable education was in different places. Schools use lottery to admit people into charter schools. I felt that many kids are in need of a good education. Also the teachers have to have faith in their students and no slack off.

Week 6: West Bank Story & Waiting for Superman

Two contrasting films, one created for laughter and flushed faces filled with smiles, the other for analysis, perception, and thought. West Bank Story, a parody of the "Middle East Romeo and Juliet" West Side Story, is a short film portraying the feud between the Palestinians and the Jewish as a battle between restaurant business and service. In the midst of the show ups, rhythmic footwork, and musical comedy, a Romeo and a Juliet fervently daydream about each other. Upon meeting, David and Fantima quickly show symptoms of lovebug bites. The lovers, star-crossed as they may be, try to stop the overblown competition between the two restaurants, Hummus Hut of the Palestinians and Kosher King of the Jewish. After a series of accidents involving embers and ash, both restaurants fall victim to fire. In attempts to continue service, the two restaurants band together with a somewhat peaceful state of mind.
I thought this film was hilarious in a way that was short and sweet. The relationship between the two restaurants was rather ridiculous but, at the same time, creates mood. I also enjoyed the lovers... especially when David let a terrorist pass the borders while he was in a trance because of Fantima, haha! It really was like Romeo and Juliet. Well, I suppose most stories that have star-crossed lovers are compared to Romeo and Juliet, so that analogy wasn't accurate. I mean, it's not a tragedy, but the exact opposite! However, I have not seen the original, which may be much less comedic and fun. In that case, maybe the comparison would actually work.

As for Waiting for Superman, you are left to wonder why the children of each generation must have their future decided by luck? Your name is put into some sort of random generating machine (lotteries too) and if you aren't picked, too bad. The reason this happens is because there aren't enough spots in the good schools that everyone wants to be enrolled in. This is caused by the lacking amount of good teachers to make a good school. A good teacher is dedication, patience, and capability. Looks like we don't have enough people like this who will spend their time educating people. Either that or many of them are out looking for higher paying jobs and leaving the future generation of children behind, although they may not realize it themselves. Then that means that the amount of children well-educated gradually decreases.
Of course, this is a very general way of thinking. I can bet there are more complicated reasons pulling the strings, like some problems that arise as the government tries to improve the schools so the whole idea is simply dropped... Ask yourself though. Is it worth it?

Here are some other interesting discussions about school and education in general: CLICK

The other topic to be mentioned regards GLBT. You may know that the number of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders is much larger now that it was years ago. I believe the number is, in fact, rising. My question is why? Why are there so many more nowadays? Is it because we are more lenient with same-sex relationships? Or because of change in culture and hormones (I actually have no idea if hormones is the right word to use at the moment, sorry)?
I think it's pretty obvious that, although GLBT is often rejected in the modern time, it is also accepted and encouraged, making those who do fall into this category more free to do as they please and also less chastising of themselves. Our society also makes it easier to become a GLBT. You could say that, compared to the olden days, gender roles have been slightly mixed up. You find masculine women and feminine men every so often. If it were back in the, perhaps 1800s to early 1900s, these people would likely be shunned and become dishonorable to their family.
For the people who do not support GLBT, I suppose I can understand why. We have been living with a man-with-woman culture for so long that a change like this irks us. Bothers. Disgusts. Especially since it is something that regards humans, just like themselves. It has been etched into their minds that a man romantically belongs with a woman and a woman only. The science of the human body also gives more reason to not support GLBT. If you think about it scientifically, and only scientifically, a female exists to prolong the survival of a species while a male exists to allow the female to do so. That is why each sex has a different set of organs and body functions. If you have two males, they were both obviously not made to give birth. If you have two females, they were both obviously not made to impregnate one another. Therefore, scientifically, it is wrong and should not happen. Of course, we humans are born with emotions so we often disregard this fact, especially since technology has been improved so that the limitations of the science of same-sex relationships can be surpassed. Obviously, you can always adopt, but that child is a child that has been abandoned by someone or something (and, before I get bad responses, I say abandoned as either figuratively or literally, so please do not misunderstand) and is not one you have created with your special other. So, while regarding the fact that you may be the parent of the heart, you are not the parent of the body as you are not biologically connected. Of course, this fact is also commonly unacknowledged or ignored because we humans opt for emotions instead of science, particularly, if I may say so, GLBTs.
I hope this post about GLBT doesn't sound like I'm on one side, because, frankly, I am not sure myself whether to support or not. I'll leave that for another time to decide.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

West Bank Story (And Waiting for Superman)

West Bank Story was the most hilarious short movie film thingy mah bob that i have watched. It pretty much like West Side Story, u culd tell by the content and by the similarity of the names. This short film talked loving one person no matter what others think about. that is a very strong life lessons there. Waiting for superman was (i am sorry to say) a dull movie. It talked about how we shuld make the United State's school system more awesome, because we used to because we used to be #1 in learning. Now we're ranked #17 so this tells us that we shuld push the rest of our generations to make us on top. I still dnt see why its called superman though... Oh yea, i wnt be coming to debate this week cuz i'm going to san fran this friday :D good luck on ur debates OMG bill gates was on oprah

Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 6

West Bank Story was really funny. I didn't get what it was making fun of so I probably missed the whole message of it. Waiting for Superman was also a good movie. I knew a little about the schools in less fortunate areas but this movie really expanded what I needed to know. The movie didn't make me feel like helping or doing anything for the school. All it did was made me feel sad, hopeful, and happy for the families that won the lottery.

I expected GLBT to be some kind of group of government people or some kind of law of some sort. I was half right about it being a group. But the last thing I expected was for it to be a group of gays, lesbians, transgenders, and bisexual. I know I should have known when Mrs. Krissy posted the debate topics along with it. But...all I really saw was THW and THBT and letters. GLBT is like a "gay community". I don't really know what it's for. When I looked it up it I noticed some links saying "GLBT National Help Center" and "...information about this organization..." I didn't really get it because I skipped all the boring or "adult" words. When I opened a link, it talked about gays and lesbians. So far I only know there is a help and community center for gays and lesbians.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

West Bank Story and Waiting for Superman!

West Bank Story is a short film with about 5 musicals. There was two diffrent sides argueing about stuff until one side's restaurant gets burnt. Next, the other one catches on fire as well and they become friends. There was a couple on diffrent sides and they make love. The husband has a plan to rule a place called BEVERLY HILLS! Whoopie.... Problem their inside the Middle East... I Fink! But before that, we watched Waiting for Superman! This film was about school systems and nothing about superman and disappointed me. I was bored to death and they rambled words and almost slept. Moving on. So in 1999 there was a document about public teachers. Parents started to fear of sending children to public schools. But WHY?! They thought it was failing and that is why they sent them to private schools. They had a chioce, but some families couldn't afford private. Soon, a little girl decides to become a doctor or verterarian. She just wants to help society and takes a step further to write a letter to college. So she starts to learn. In Rosevelt Highschool, 3/100 will pass in high school for a 4 year University. Bad teachers will teach 50% of what they learn when good teachers teach 150%. All in all, California was ranked 1st in comfort.