Thursday, July 21, 2011

Week 6: GLBT, Waiting for Superman, West Bank Story.

Thanks Ms. Krissy for fixing my blog account. I appreciate it ;D

Ohkay, so GLBT is a big issue because it is very controversial. I mean, you can't get HIV from it, unless you get blood, vaginal fluid, breast milk, or semen on you. But, people are treated differently if they state that they are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender. Well, I couldn't really find a "new story" about GLBT, but I can tell you about the GLBT legislation in California.

"Our ambitious 2011 bills will advance LGBT rights in these critical areas:
I don't really want to, like, read all the boring stuff about Transgender Rights or Same-Sex Couples, but I think that this issue is very important to everyone, because a Yahoo survey found 7.1% of 18+ people GLBT. Gee, that's almost up to the Unemployment Rate, huh... Also, 4-10% of America is homosexual, about 12-30 people GLBT. As you can see, this is a big issue, and that's why California doesn't want any more shootings of Elementary kids, just because they're gay.

The two movies we watched on Friday were very extreme. One was extremely boring, but extremely informative. The other, however, was extremely hilarious, but extremely musical-ish. LOL.

The first (boring) movie we saw was Waiting For Superman. It was about US's public education system, which, obviously, sucks crap. I mean, seriously. HOW IN THE WORLD CAN OUR NATION'S CAPITAL'S EDUCATION SUCK MORE THAN CALIFORNIA, WHERE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE PRACTICALLY WANDERING AROUND CALI? It doesn't make sense. Maybe their survey is WRONG. All messed up. After I watched that movie, I was beginning to question why I was in a public school instead of a private one. This movie, I think, is not pragmatic for a Debate class. Maybe for teachers, but not for kids.

This guy is cool. ;D Really.

"The fate of our country won't be decided on a battlefield, it will be determined in a classroom."

The second movie, or a musical parody of The West Side Story, is called The West Bank Story. This musical was about two fast food restaurants: Hummus Hut, and Kosher King. Basically, it is the Palestinians against the Israelites, except they are represented by restaurants. Basically, they are competing against each other, but a Jewish soldier falls in love with a Palestinian girl. Together, they end the conflict between these two restaurants after both of their buildings burn down in a funny scene. I think this movie will make me laugh as many times as I see it, like Ms. Krissy.
In The West Bank Story, the conflict is between two restaurants, the Kosher King, and the Hummus Hut.

Okay everyone, bye! ")

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