Sunday, July 17, 2011

West Bank Story and Waiting for Superman!

West Bank Story is a short film with about 5 musicals. There was two diffrent sides argueing about stuff until one side's restaurant gets burnt. Next, the other one catches on fire as well and they become friends. There was a couple on diffrent sides and they make love. The husband has a plan to rule a place called BEVERLY HILLS! Whoopie.... Problem their inside the Middle East... I Fink! But before that, we watched Waiting for Superman! This film was about school systems and nothing about superman and disappointed me. I was bored to death and they rambled words and almost slept. Moving on. So in 1999 there was a document about public teachers. Parents started to fear of sending children to public schools. But WHY?! They thought it was failing and that is why they sent them to private schools. They had a chioce, but some families couldn't afford private. Soon, a little girl decides to become a doctor or verterarian. She just wants to help society and takes a step further to write a letter to college. So she starts to learn. In Rosevelt Highschool, 3/100 will pass in high school for a 4 year University. Bad teachers will teach 50% of what they learn when good teachers teach 150%. All in all, California was ranked 1st in comfort.

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