Thursday, July 21, 2011

Week 6 - GLBT

Hey guys, Ezekiel here. Finally re-posting on Blogger after such a long time. -insert sad face-. I've been really busy for the past couple of weeks with six different classes seven days a week, each being at least four hours, sometimes overlapping for a total of 9 hours of learning. Not complaining, since I don't know what actual works feels like and I don't feel that would be fair to teachers who spend even more time. Thank you teachers out there :D .Going straight into GLBT classes, I would have to say that I don't understand yet the purpose of the classes. Would they teach you how to be gay, lesbian, etc.? Or are they going to teach who they are? It doesn't seem very exciting to me, since everyone of those people are human, and just the type of people they like. I don't see how they're going to teach, " This following person is gay/lesbian and likes these kind of people. There are different from us such as reasons of ...." NO. I DON'T SEE HOW THAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. Everyone likes different kinds of people for different reasons. You might prefer a more beautiful/handsome but not as intelligent person in mind, rather than a more intelligent but not as beautiful/handsome person. Many people go one way or the other. These classes don't make actual sense to met yet, but students in school need to realize the other individuals' unique, instead of making of them all the time, or treating them differently. There has been many incidents where I think in the past year or two where teenagers, TEENAGERS, have SUICIDED. These cases are very serious, but if you don't see how scary this is, imagine you calling a person a name, and then they go freaking kill themselves because you hurt them so much. People like this NEED to know what they're doing and how wrong they are, but I don't think giving public classes out to everyone in school is the best idea. There are people, far more older and matured than teenagers, and still do terrible things like this. Why? I have no clue. People these days are just heartless and don't know s*** what they do. People who blabber about what they want just don't care and I don't see how they wouldn't. The common people call this a "justice," where they can go around DOING ANYTHING THEY POSSIBLE CAN AND WANT BECAUSE THEY WANT TO. I'm getting distracted from the glare of the computer.. and I'm forgetting what I've mentioned and what I'm repeating, so I'll stop there.

I'm not sure what activism was, but I read in other posts something about Lady Gaga, so I guess it means a supporter of GLBT cases. Here's her offical music video on this: and if it is too disgusting at some parts, BECAUSE (WARNING,) VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED, AND THIS WAS NASTY ENOUGH TO MAKE ME SICK. So care(: Here is just the lyrics without any gory part to is:

Our first film we watched in class, was Waiting For Superman. I'm not sure if I was suppose to put that in quotes or underline it, so leave a comment down below to help me out(: I already knew from the start it wasn't going to be some cartoon, drama, or anything related to that that wasn't going to help us understand very important facts and daily problems. I wish I had a more wider vocabulary span, so that I could use more "cool" words that make me "sound" intelligent" x___x . For the first half, I was very engaged by the differentiation in races, backgrounds, levels of knowledge, ages, and anything that was more general and wasn't focused down to one little area. As the narrator went more and more on into the point, I began to realize that the children who gave their everything, and who WOULD do anything for education, would be be at random chance given one last hope to succeed, be completely eliminated. A many of factors appear, and just to review them all if you guys have forgotten, the teacher with ten-year or whatever it is.. gave up their motivation for teaching and just did whatever the hell they wanted. Many examples even hinted by cartoons like The Simpsons, and I THINK I Love Lucy or something like that. Back to my point, after I had realized that these students, these poor, poor people, would not be given a fair chance at life, I began to see this as an injustice. I wanted to do something about this so bad, I don't know how I could begin. For ages, I have been dreaming about becoming the most rich person in the world and stopping all that is un-right, ending world hunger, and all these other miracle deeds. I just don't know where to start, how hard it is, or how I'm going to get there. BUT. I know, I'm going to be the one. I just have this statistical feeling jumping in my veins, zapping me once every now and then to keep me on track and remember my purpose. I want to do everything I can.. But I'm afraid of it not going to be good enough. I'm afraid of me not being able to live my own life, and for many more reasons, I'm afraid to do this. I can recognize my potential in almost anything, everything that I do, but I don't know how many numbers of different majors and how great I can be in them. This went on pretty long and I forgot my reason in this, but I hope it gave you my response to this stimulus and you understand my view point.

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