Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Golden Gate Bridge

I was about to talk about sperm whales, but i decided that it was "too inappropiate" so i'm just going to talk about what San Francisco is known for. The might orange bridge. The bridge was originally called 'Chrysopylao' by some dude named Captian John C. Fremount in 1846. The bridge is almost 2 miles long. When the bridge was built, it was about 894,500 tons, but now its only 887,000 tons because it was needed for decking material. While making this bridge, 35 were predicted to die, but only 11 people died, while 19 of them were saved from a net. Those who were saved by the net were invited to a club called 'Half Way To Hell.' Each tower weighs about 44,000 tons. I still don't get how they had the towers hover over the water though. There are only like 128 lamps, quite a few for such a huge tower... The orginal paint was removed because of corrosion. So they added new paint, orange vermillion/international orange. Any who, the golden gate bridge is an awesome historic landmark, and wow i sound boring o.o OH! and Lombard Street is awesome :DDD you guys should go onto it if you get bored in San Francisco. Ghiradelli Square is more awesome! The sundaes there are amazing :D it melts in your mouth! Watch out for the Bush Man if you go to Fisherman's Warf

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