Thursday, July 14, 2011

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Past-Present)

While the Libyan Civil War and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan rages on, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is ongoing. The Conflict was said to be started in 1948, when major outbreaks of fighting happened. However, I think the conflict actually started in 1936, when the Arabs revolted. It began when anti-semitism (the hatred of Jews) became widespread in Europe. Jewish refugees fled towards British-occupied Palestine. The Palestinians didn't like the Jews moving in because they thought it was their own land. The British put restrictions on the Jews in order to create peace in Palestine. However, anti-semitism grew in Palestine. Many Palestinians carried out attacks on the Jewish people in Palestine. many of the Palestinian national movement collaborated with the Nazis. For example, Amin Al-Husayni joined the Waffen SS in Bosnia.

Waffen Schutzstaffel (SS): A military organization that was responsible for many terrible war crimes against prisoners, victims of the Holocaust, etc.

By the mid-1940s, the Jewish people in Palestine led an armed revolt against the British. However, the world was shocked at how many innocent civilians were killed by the Jewish armed forces. The Jewish organization was quickly disbanded. Now, the Jews started focusing on conquering Palestine. The U.N. originally issued a two-state resolution. However, that didn't work out very well!

In 1967, conflict broke out. KNOW THIS GUYS. THE ISRAELI FORCES ATTACKED FIRST! The Israeli Air Force (IAF) launched numerous surprise air strikes against the Arab forces. The Israeli argued that it was a pre-emptive strike. (However in my opinion that's BS. I think the Israelites were only trying to get air dominance). Indeed, the Israeli forces did get air superiority for the rest of the war. Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Palestine, Egypt joined together to fight against Israel. Many other Arab countries also funded and supported the Arab forces. However, the Israelites had the U.S. to back them up.

Heavily outgunned and outnumbered, and with virtually no air force left by the end of the Six Day's War, the Arab forces surrendered.....The Israelites captured the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and Golan Heights (woah)

Okay, meanwhile hostilities between Palestine and Israel continued. Many more resolutions have been proposed, but most were rejected. The Conflict still continues to this day.

In my opinion the U.S. should stop supporting Israel.

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