Tuesday, July 26, 2011

a topic that intrigues your interests, ey?


so, i read an article that talks about the blainville's beaked whales. these whales are rarely seen because these whales don't like to be on the surface of the oceaan. beaked whales are found in the uberly deep depths(:D) of the ocean. once these whales get deep enough into the ocean, they become quiet and don't talk/communicate. well. they barely talk and communicate at all. well...that's what marine biologists say..but it's pretty hard to say because these whales are hard to stalk and stuffs. that's why it's a mysteryyyyy. oh yeah, these whales have teeth. ok, now that was like 5 minutes worth of skimming through that article and writing this. :D now, i gotta go out with my aunt, bye!! havefun [=.


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