Tuesday, July 19, 2011

West Bank Story (And Waiting for Superman)

West Bank Story was the most hilarious short movie film thingy mah bob that i have watched. It pretty much like West Side Story, u culd tell by the content and by the similarity of the names. This short film talked loving one person no matter what others think about. that is a very strong life lessons there. Waiting for superman was (i am sorry to say) a dull movie. It talked about how we shuld make the United State's school system more awesome, because we used to because we used to be #1 in learning. Now we're ranked #17 so this tells us that we shuld push the rest of our generations to make us on top. I still dnt see why its called superman though... Oh yea, i wnt be coming to debate this week cuz i'm going to san fran this friday :D good luck on ur debates OMG bill gates was on oprah

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